
Az FDI-csoport workshopja

Esemény kezdete: 2018.11.21. 08:55
Esemény vége: 2018.11.21. 17:30
Hely: MTA Humán Tudományok Kutatóháza, 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4. B. épület, III. emelet, Főigazgatói tárgyaló



8.55-9.00 Megnyitó

9.00 - 10.00 Szász Levente, Horváth Réka, Csíki Ottó (Babes-Bolyai Tudományegyetem): Lokációs tényezők vizsgálata az európai autóiparban / A study of location decision factors in the European automotive industry

10.00 -10.15 Kávé

10.15 - 11.15 Antalóczy Katalin (BGE), Gáspár Tamás (BGE), Sass Magdolna (MTA KRTK KTI és BGE): A nemzetközi gyógyszeripari értéklánc sajátosságai: Magyarország esete/ The specialties of the international pharmaceutical value chain: the case of Hungary

11.15 – 12.15 Gál Zoltán (MTA KRTK RKK és Kaposvári Egyetem): Az FDI szerepe a gazdasági növekedésben és fejlődésben: a regionális eltérések következményei / Role of FDI in growth and development: implications of regional disparities

12.15 – 13.00 Ebéd

13.00 - 14.00 Szász Levente, Rácz Béla-Gergely, Anca Borza, Benedek Botond (Babes-Bolyai Tudományegyetem): Multinacionális leányvállalatok és helyi vállalatok komparatív elemzése fejlődő országokban a termelési gyakorlatok szemszögéből / A comparative study of multinational subsidiaries and local companies in emerging economies: a manufacturing practice approach

14.00 – 15.00 Baranyai Ticián, Kozma Miklós (Corvinus Egyetem): A maradi előd és a haladó utód? A generációváltás hatásának elemzése a családi vállalkozások nemzetköziesedésére /The laggard predecessor and the progressive successor? The analysis of the impact of the change of generations on the internationalisation of family firms

15.00 – 15.15 Kávé

15.15 – 16.15 Éltető Andrea (MTA KRTK VGI): A magyar kis- és középvállalatok exportja, mint a nemzetköziesedés formája – egy kérdőíves felmérés eredményei/ Exports as a way of internationalisation of Hungarian SMEs – results of a questionnaire survey

16.15 – 17.30 A workshop zárása, publikációs lehetőségek megbeszélése

International Conference on Education Economics

Esemény kezdete: 2018.11.21. 09:00
Esemény vége: 2018.11.23. 15:00
Hely: Center for Economic and Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Building of Human Sciences (MTA Humán Tudományok Kutatóháza) Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4, 1097 Hungary


International Conference on Education Economics – EDEN final conference



The event is hosted by the Center for Economic and Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, within the new Research Building of Human Sciences (MTA Humán Tudományok Kutatóháza) located at Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4, 1097. Hungary   (see map).




November 21, 2018.


9:00-9:30: Registration and coffee


9:30-9:45: Welcome


9:45-10:45: Keynote: Lex Borghans, (Maastricht University) “The economics of the curriculum”


10:45-11:00: Room change


11:00-12:30: Session 1


12:30-14:00: Lunch


14:00-15:30: Session 2


15:30-16:00: Coffee break


16:00-17:00: Session 3


17:00-19:00: Reception with light snacks


November 22, 2018.


9:00-10:30: Session 4


10:30-11:00: Coffee break


11:00-12:30: Session 5


12:30-14:00: Lunch


14:00-15:30: Session 6


15:30-16:00: Coffee break


16:00-17:00: Session 7


19:00-22:00: Conference dinner (location: Prestige boat, Jászai Mari square, dock 9.)


November 23, 2018.


9:30-11:00: Session 8


11:00-11:30: Coffee break


11:30-12:30: Keynote: Daniele Checchi, (University of Milan) “The long term evolution of inequality of opportunity”


12:30-12:45: Farewell


12:45-14:00: Lunch and goodbye


Parallel Sessions


Nov. 21. Wednesday


Session 1A Session 1B
School setting and child outcomes Student characteristics
Bernhofer Juliana, Mirco Tonin

The Effect of the Language of Instruction on Academic Performance

Sergio Longobardi , Margherita Maria Pagliuca, Andrea Regoli

A quasi-experimental approach to assess the effect of experiences with money on the students’ financial literacy in OECD countries

Emily M McDool

Class Setting and Children’s Non-Cognitive Outcomes

Kenneth De Beckker, Kristof De Witte, Geert Van Campenhouta

A cultural explanation of cross country differences in financial literacy

Anna Lovász,Ewa Cukrowska-Torzewska,Mariann Rigó,Ágnes Szabó-Morvai

Gender differences in the effect of subjective feedback

Melvin Vooren

Which students succeed in IT education?

Session 2A Session 2B
Teaching Firms/skill demand
Ryuichi Tanaka, Koichi Ushijima, Haruko Noguchi, Akira Kawamura, Shun-ichiro Bessho

Do Teachers Matter for Academic Achievement of Students? Evidence from Administrative Panel Data

Melline Somers, Sofie Cabus

The Changing Demand for Skills in The Netherlands

Fritz Schiltz, Deni Mazrekaj, Daniel Horn, and Kristof De Witte

The Effect of High Achieving Peers Leaving The Class:
Evidence From Hungary

Pusterla Filippo

The complementarity effects of organizational capital and vocational education

Chris van Klaveren, Ilja Cornelisz

Teacher Discretion in Grading Standardized Exams: Stakes and Information in Dutch Secondary Education

Sofie Cabus, Eszter Nagy

Performance of Hungarian firms: are apprentices an asset or a liability? Evidence from a unique matched employer-employee dataset

Session 3A Session 3B
Teaching technologies School characteristic effects
Nathalie Lenoir, Christophe Bontemps

What can learners’ paths teach us about MOOCs?

Thomas Wouters, Zoltán Hermann, Carla Haelermans

Demand for secondary school characteristics – Evidence from school choice data in Hungary

Mara Soncin, Tommaso Agasisti, Giovanni Azzone

Assessing the Effect of Massive Open Online Courses as Remedial Courses in Higher Education

Koen Declercq, Sofie Cabus, Kristof De Witte

The transition from vocational secondary education to professional higher education in the Netherlands


Nov. 22. Thursday


Session 4A Session 4B
Parents and child outcomes Mobility/transfers
Montezuma B. G. Dumangane, Luisa Ara ́ujo, Patricia Costa, Nuno Crato

Early Parental Reading or Reading for Pleasure: what matters most for boys and girls?

Antonio Di Paolo, Lorenzo  Cappellari, Ramon  Caminal

Linguistic skills  and  the  intergenerational  transmission  of  language

Julia Sonnenburg, Carolin Fritzsche

Does Home Ownership by Parents have an Impact on their Children’s Educational Attainment? – Evidence from Germany

Lauren McInally

Geographical Mobility in Higher Education

Deni Mazrekaj, Kristof De Witte, Sofie Cabus

School Outcomes of Children Raised by Same-Sex Couples: Evidence from Administrative Panel Data

Jasmina Berbegal Mirabent, Dolors Gil-Doménech, Eva de la Torre

Exploring technology transfer patterns among Spanish universities

Session 5A Session 5B
Student outcomes Student aspirations
Kristof De Witte, Mike Smet, Ruben Van Assche

The impact of additional funds for schools with disadvantaged pupils: A regression discontinuity design

Heß Pascal, Silke Anger, Max Kunaschk

Minimum Wages and Teenagers’ Educational Aspirations

Giovanna D’Inverno, Kristof De Witte, Mike Smet

The effect of additional resources for disadvantaged students: Evidence from a conditional efficiency model

Arthur-Felix Sawadogo

Analysis of the determinants of entrepreneurial intention: the case of Burkina Faso

Jose Manuel Cordero Ferrera,Víctor Cristóbal, María Gil

Teaching strategies and their effect on student achievement: A cross-country study using data from PISA 2015

Luis Díaz Serrano, Alexandrina P. Stoyanova

Is there a Link between Body Mass Index, Students’ Expectations and Cognitive Achievement?

Session 6A Session 6B
Early childhood effects Methodology
Tamás Hajdu, Gábor Kertesi and Gábor Kézdi

Health Differences at Birth between Roma and Non-Roma Children in Hungary Long-Run Trends and Decompositions

Chiara Masci

EM algorithm for non-parametric mixed-effects models. An application to INVALSI data for unsupervised classification of Italian schools.

Dániel Horn, Ágnes Szabó-Morvai, Anna Lovász, Kristof De Witte

Human Capital Effects of Kindergarten and School Enrolment Timing

Jose Manuel Cordero Ferrera, Juan Aparicioa, Lidia Ortiza

How to deal with plausible values in efficiency analysis with international large-scale assessment data

Ágnes Szabó-Morvai, Anna Lovász

Childcare and Maternal Labor Supply – a Cross-Country Analysis of Quasi-Experimental Estimates from 7 Countries

Gabriela Sicilia, Daniel Santin

Beyond the average treatment effect: using production frontiers to evaluate RCTs in education

Session 7A Session 7B
School-career transition factors Educational system performance
Alessia Matano, Di Paolo A.

The impact of working while studying on the academic and labour market performance of graduates: the joint role of work intensity and job-field match

Rosa Simancas Rodríguez, Cristina Polo, Gabriela Sicilia

Equity and Efficiency in the Spanish Educational System: Regional Comparison Based on PISA 2015

Ines Albandea

The Employer Perception of Non-linear Educational Pathways A Vignette Study with French Employers

Alice Bertoletti,          Tommaso Agasisti

Analysing the determinants of Higher Education Systems’ performance in a multidimensional perspective – a Structural Equation Modelling approach


Nov. 23. Friday


Session 8A Session 8B
School segregation Cross country analyses
Thomas Wouters

Freedom of school choice vs diversity

Daniel Santin, Juan Aparicio,  Sergio Perelman

Comparing the Evolution of Productivity Gaps in Education with PISA: The case of Latin-American countries

Carlos Roberto Azzoni , Gabriel Leite, Fernanda Gonçalves De La Fuente Estevan

Estimating the returns to higher education selectivity in Brazil

Jasmina Berbegal Mirabent,Tommaso Agasisti

Cross-country analysis of higher education institutions’ efficiency: The role of strategic positioning

Sóvágó Sándor, Hessel Oosterbeek, Bas van der Klaauw

Identifying the sources of school segregation

Audrone Jakaitienė, Antanas Žilinskas, Dovilė Stumbrienė

Analysis of Education Systems Performance in European Countries: PCA-DEA approach

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