
5th The Role of State in Varieties of Capitalism (SVOC)

Esemény kezdete: 2019.11.28. 09:00
Esemény vége: 2019.11.29. 18:00
Hely: Central European University - Nádor u. 9, Budapest, H-1051, Hungary


On behalf of the Organising Committee, the Institute of World Economics of the Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Center for European Neighborhood Studies, Central European University we invite you to join us in Budapest, for the 5th International Conference entitled The Role of State in Varieties of Capitalism.


The main aim of the 5th "The Role of State in Varieties of Capitalism" conference is to contribute to the better understanding of the co-evolution of formal and informal institutions in relation to development. 

Our Conference welcomes high quality contributions proposing advances in the field of theory, empirics or policy. Contributions to SVOC2019 should be related to the general theme of the conference "The Role of State in Varieties of Capitalism" especially but not exclusively focusing on the following topics:

  • new renaissance of the Polanyian research on the state-market relationship;
  • institutional changes in the Global North and South in the age of hybridity;
  • new forms of statism and its impact on global governance;
  • BRICS and alternative global institutions;
  • revival of industrial policy in the early twenty-first century;
  • business-politics relationship in the light of rising illiberalism ;
  • the role of informal institutions in emerging and developing economies.


Our keynote speakers will be:


Professor Ziya Önis (Koç University Istanbul, Professor of International Political Economy) 

Professor László Csaba (Professor of International Political Economy at Central European University and Corvinus University of Budapest)

KTI szeminárium – Lőrincz László

Esemény kezdete: 2019.11.28. 14:00
Esemény vége: 2019.11.28. 16:00
Hely: MTA HTK 1097 Budapest Tóth Kálmán u. 4. fszt. K11-12-es előadóterem



Lőrincz László


Globális és helyi munkatársi kapcsolatok és a dolgozók készségei


/Lőrincz László – Lengyel Balázs – Hannák Anikó – Guilherme Kenjy Chihaya – Rikard Eriksson/



Social connections that reach distant places are thought to help individuals, firms and communities grow by providing access to opportunities and diverse knowledge. In the case of companies, however, firm performance depends extensively on the combination of similar or different skills in coworker collaboration. In this paper we analyze how the skill composition of workers differs between globally connected employees and the rest of the employees in the company. We map the information, socialization and cooperation networks of employees in 16 IT companies of Umea, Sweden using a survey representing 10% of the local industry. Permitted by all individuals, we collect public information from their LinkedIn profiles as well. These data allow us to quantify global connections of employees and to measure the degree of their skill-relatedness to coworkers. We find that the workers with extensive local networks typically have related skills to others in the region and to their coworkers; while workers with many distant ties typically combine less related skills in local coworker collaboration. We also find that similarity of skills influences, how advice-seeking networks are formed within the firms. These results provide new insights to the composition of skills within knowledge intensive firms by connecting the geography of networks and the similarity versus diversity of skills.

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