Szalavetz Andrea könyvfejezetei megjelentek az Európai Szakszervezeti Intézet autóipari kihívásokat elemzó kiadványában
2020.09.15 | 10:33
In: Jan Drahokoupil (ed.): The challenge of digital transformation in the automotive industry. Jobs, upgrading and the prospects for development. ETUI aisbl, Brussels 2020. pp. 47-64
This book addresses the impact of new technologies, typically discussed under the heading of Industry 4.0. It focuses in particular on the automotive industry which has been at the forefront of introducing new technologies such as industrial robots. It analyses their impact on working conditions and employment as well as on the role of production sites in the value chain. The book also addresses the extent to which digital transformation represents an opportunity, or a challenge, for the countries that specialise in manufacturing production as far as their development prospects and competitiveness are concerned.