Szunomár Ágnes által szerkesztett kötet jelent meg a Palgrave Macmillan gondozásában, benne VGI-s szerzők fejezeteivel

2020.11.27 | 10:01
Szunomár Ágnes által szerkesztett kötet jelent meg a Palgrave Macmillan gondozásában, benne VGI-s szerzők fejezeteivel

Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2020. Part of the Studies in Economic Transition book series.

Emerging-market Multinational Enterprises in East Central Europe

Editor: Ágnes Szunomár

"This volume represents the first-ever attempt to systematically analyse emerging market multinationals’ investment into European emerging countries. This type of investments, as we believe, differ from both emerg-ing MNEs’ investment into the core European countries and developed MNEs’ investment into the emerging regions of Europe. An additional novelty of the research endeavour is that besides macroeconomic and institutional factors it incorporates political factors into the analysis which may also have an important role to play in attracting emerging, especially Chinese, companies to a certain region."


  • Front Matter
  • Theories of Internationalization and Foreign Direct Investment: How to Explain FDI from Emerging MNEs?
Ágnes Szunomár
  • Changing Trends of Foreign Direct Investments in East Central Europe
Miklós Szanyi

Emerging Multinationals from Asia

  • Front Matter
  • Home and Host Country Determinants of Chinese Multinational Enterprises’ Investments into East Central Europe
Ágnes Szunomár
  • Indian Companies’ Global Aspirations in East Central Europe
Tamás Gerőcs
  • Outward Foreign Direct Investments from South Korea, Taiwan, and ASEAN in the V4 Countries
Katalin Völgyi, Tamás Peragovics

Non-Asian Emerging Multinationals

  • Front Matter
  • Russian Multinational Direct Investment in East Central European Countries
Csaba Weiner
  • Turkish Investments in Central and Eastern Europe: Motivations and Experiences
Tamás Szigetvári
  • Motivations of Brazilian Firms to Invest in East Central Europe: Specific Home-Country Advantages and Some Host-Country Specificities Dominate
Judit Ricz
  • South Africa: A Re-emerging Player in Global Outward FDI and a New Investor in East Central Europe?
Judit Kiss
  • Final Reflections: Emerging Market Multinational Enterprises in East Central Europe
Ágnes Szunomár, Tamás Gerőcs, Judit Kiss, Tamás Peragovics, Judit Ricz, Miklós Szanyi et al.
  • Back Matter

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