Newsletter 1/2018

04/12/2018 | 12:15
Newsletter 1/2018

January - March

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Project updates

Hungarian public education indicators

Tamás Hajdu, Zoltán Hermann, Dániel Horn and Júlia Varga compiled a special edition of the Hungarian public education indicators for the European Commission. The study gives an overview on the Hungarian public education system in general, including the main changes in 2013, when a new act on public education entered into force. Thereafter, it introduces a wide range of indicators and characteristics such as dropping out age of students, ratio of students with psychological developmental disorders, datas on knowledge of foreign languages, segregation indicators and many more. Read the study

The (re-)production of peripherality in Central and Eastern Europe

The European Spatial Research and Policy, journal of University of Lodz dedicated a special issue contributing to a deeper understanding of the reproduction of peripherality in CEE. These are the results of a subproject hosted by CERS HAS within the EU funded project RegPol². The project is now closed the final report is soon coming out. Please, check the project’s website for more information.

RegPol² – Socio-economic and Political Responses to Regional Polarisation in Central and Eastern Europe (2014-2018) supported by the European Union, Marie Curie Action

Partners: Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography, (IfL) Leipzig, Germany (Coordinator), Geomedia LLC, (GEO) Estonia, Social Impact GmbH, Germany, International Advisory Centre for Municipalitie (MEPCO) Czech Republic, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava - SPECTRA Center of Excellence (STU) Slovak Republic, Babes Bolyai University, Romania, University of Tartu (UT) Estonia

Associated partners: Eurofutures Finland (EUROFUTURES) Finland, North-West Regional Development Agency (NW-RDA) Romania, University of Economics (UEP) Czech Republic, University of Szeged (USZ) Hungary, National Association of German Start-Up Support Innitiatives (VdG) Germany

Highlighted publications

Baráth Lajos – Fertő Imre – Bojnec, Štefan: Are farms in less favored areas less efficient? Agricultural Economics, Vol. 49. No. 1. 2018. pp. 3–12.

This article investigates farm technical efficiency (TE) and the effect of heterogeneity on production among farms using the Slovenian Farm Accountancy Data Network sample of farms in the period 2007–2013. We model production technology with a random parameter model that allows us to examine both the direct effect of heterogeneity on production and the indirect effect through the interaction of unobserved heterogeneity with time and input variables. Additionally, we consider intersectoral heterogeneity among types of farming. Results confirm the importance of all these sources of heterogeneity. The second contribution of the article is that, in addition to using conventional statistical methods, we examine the differences between less favored area (LFA) and non‐LFA farms using matching techniques. Read more

Békés Gábor – Harasztosi Péter: Grid and shake: spatial aggregation and the robustness of regionally estimated elasticities. The Annals of Regional Science, Vol. 60. No. 1. 2018. pp. 143-170.

This paper proposes a simple and transparent method for measuring spatial robustness of regionally estimated coefficients and considers the role of the administrative districts and of the size of regions. The procedure offers a new solution for a practical empirical issue: comparing the variables of interest across spatially aggregated units. It improves upon existing methods, especially when spatial units are heterogeneous. To illustrate the method, we use Hungarian data and compare estimates of agglomeration externalities at various levels of aggregation. Using the procedure, we find that the method of spatial aggregation seems to be of equal importance to the specification of the econometric model. Read more


Fabula Szabolcs., Timár Judit: Violations of the right to the city for women with disabilities in peripheral rural communities in Hungary. Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, Article in Press (2018)

This study focuses on rural disabled women's relations to the city in Hungary. Several rural disabled women have limited access to urban resources. These women are also excluded from the control of the urban process. Therefore, these rural disabled women's right to the city is curtailed. Urban-rural divide, patriarchy and ableism contribute to the violations of disabled women's right to the city. Read more



Hajdu Miklós – Pápay Boróka – Szántó Zoltán – Tóth István János: Content analysis of corruption coverage : cross-national differences and commonalities. European Journal of Communication, Vol. 33. No. 1. 2018. pp. 7-21.

The article presents and summarizes some results from extensive cross-national content analysis of media coverage of corruption. The authors examined a sample containing 12,742 articles published in France, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Romania, Slovakia and the United Kingdom from 2004 to 2013. A limited number of studies have been done thus far to reveal how the media deals with corruption cases in certain countries, and cross-national comparative analyses are exceedingly scarce. The core focus of the study is to reveal the significant differences in the corruption cases. Read more


Read more selected publications >>>

Conference presentations

3rd EdEN scientific meeting, Maastricht, February 27-28 2018

Zoltan Hermann, Tamas, Tommaso Agasisti, Mara Mascin and Daniel Horn: Causal Evidence on the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Church Schools

Using the large number of takeover of state schools by church in Hungary between 2011 and 2014 the paper estimates the causal effect of church schools on student test score outcomes.


Zoltan Hermann, Carla Haelermans, Thomas Wouters: The effect of school quality on school choice. Evidence from secondary education in Hungary

The paper investigates how do students and parents choose and rank secondary schools in the application process. Does school quality and school composition affect students' choices? Do students and parents give the highest weight to school quality (learning gains) or they pay more attention to school composition? How do they value the distance to the school relative to quality and composition? Are these preferences different among more and less educated parents?

Anna Lovasz, Ágnes Szabó-Morvai: Feedback - advances

Subjective supervisory feedback affects the performance of individuals, and gender gaps in it. The pilot project estimated the impact of praise and encouragement by gender, and the new projects focus on the interaction of subjective feedback and a competitive environment.

Koen Declercq, Julia Varga: Gender differences in STEM education

The research studies how admission policies differently affect enrolment decisions of men and women and how these policies can increase enrolment of women in STEM programs, how a Hungarian higher education  policy reform that limited access to subsidized non-STEM programs, differently affected application decisions of men and women.

Upcoming events

16 April Budapest, FDI Seminar, Dr. Philippe Gugler /University of Fribourg/: The Drivers of Regional and National Competitiveness: A Microeconomic Approach

19 April Budapest, Institute of Economics Seminar, Zawadowski Ádám /CEU/: The Tragedy of Complexity

19-20 April Pécs, Socio-economic, environmental and regional aspects of circular economy international conference for the 75th Anniversary of the Transdanubian Research Institute


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