
KTI seminar

Start: 05/03/2018 14:00
End: 05/03/2018 16:00
Location: MTA Humán Tudományok Kutatóháza, 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán utca 4. fszt. K13 terem


Giovanna D’Inverno / IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca/

The effect of additional resources for disadvantaged students: Evidence from a conditional efficiency model /Authors: Kristof De Witte, Mike Smet, Giovanna D’Inverno/


Inequalities in educational and lifelong learning opportunities prevent individuals from reaching their full potential and their personal satisfaction. To reduce the impact of disadvantaged backgrounds on educational achievement, many policies have been promoted. Among them, the Flemish Community of Belgium offers an interesting setting given the inequality level experienced by its educational system. Specifically, the Flemish Ministry of Education enacted a program to provide additional funding to schools with a significant proportion of disadvantaged students. These additional resources are allocated according to an exogenous cut-off. We exploit this information to evaluate the effect of additional funding for disadvantaged students on educational outcomes by using a conditional efficiency analysis. Particular attention is devoted to the impact of socio-economic background variables. Our analysis relies on administrative data on students in secondary education in Flanders.

Call for Papers - The Role of State in Varieties of Capitalism - 29-30 November 2021

Call for Papers - The Role of State in Varieties of Capitalism - 29-30 November 2021Deadline for abstract submission: 30 July, 2021; abstracts (max. 300 words) are expected via easychair system.

Halpern 70 conference - 17 June 2021

Halpern 70 conference - 17 June 2021Held in a hybrid form: offline venue: Institute of Economics - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies /1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4./ and online (zoom). Please register here: until 10th of June.

Call for Papers - 12th Annual Financial Market Liquidity Conference - Budapest, Hungary 11-12th November 2021

Call for Papers - 12th Annual Financial Market Liquidity Conference - Budapest, Hungary 11-12th November 2021The Department of Finance, Corvinus University of Budapest and the Game Theory Research Group, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies are organizing the Annual Financial Market Liquidity Conference for the twelfth time. This year, Corvinus University of Budapest hosts the conference both onsite as well as on a virtual conferencing platform allowing for a hybrid and flexible format.

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