
Mapping out vulnerable sectors in the Eastern Partnership countries

Start: 02/04/2016 13:00
End: 02/04/2016 17:00
Location: Popper Room, CEU, Budapest, 1051 Nádor str. 9.


The third workshop of the "Mapping out vulnerable sectors in the Eastern Partnership countries", sponsored by the International Visegrad Fund is to be held on 4th February in Budapest. The workshop is co-organized by the Central European University.

During the event we present the first findings of the Energy Industry Report on Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova. The second panel will provide a stakeholder outlook and explore the applicability of Visegrad experiences in the energy sector.


Mapping out vulnerable sectors in the Eastern Partnership countries

                   Energy industry workshop, Budapest, 4 February 2016

                              Venue: Popper Room, CEU, 1051 Nádor str. 9.


12.30-13.00 Registration

13.00-14.40 Presentation of the Energy industry Report - “Energy trends,

                     Policies and Market Integration – record of the last 15 years

                     Moderator: Michael LaBelle, Assistant Professor, CEU

                     Presenters: András Deák, Head of Research Group, HAS IWE

                     Ion Muntean, Senior Expert, IDIS

                   Victor Parlicov, Senior Expert, IDIS

14.40-15.00 Coffee break

15.00-16.40 Expert Panel: “Structural change, Energy efficiency and Visegrad

                   experience in the Eastern Partnership Countries”

                   Moderator: István Bart, Co-Chair, Energiaklub

                   Speakers: Anton Antonenko, Vice President, Co-Founder at DiXi


                   Péter Kaderják, Director, Regional Centre for Energy Policy


                   Béla Kelemen, Senior Vice President of MOL Group

                   Supply Chain Management

                   Borko Raicevic, Energy Efficiency and Renewables Expert

                   Energy Community Secretariat

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