
Summer Workshop 2018

Start: 08/09/2018 09:55
End: 08/10/2018 13:00
Location: MTA Humán Tudományok Kutatóháza 1097 Budapest Tóth Kálmán u. 4. K 13-14


Many young Hungarian economists have completed their PhDs at prestigious universities abroad. Few have become, however, an active member of the Hungarian scientific community. Institute of Economics of HAS organises the Summer workshop for bringing together young Hungarian researchers from all over the world.
We organize Summer Workshops annually since 2001. We invite final year PhD students and post-docs to present their new results. Topics cover all areas of economic research. Work in progress is also accepted for the workshop, if sufficient progress has been accomplished. Papers are presented either in English or in Hungarian; each presentation is commented by a discussant.


Organizer: Gábor Kőrösi (IE)




9 August 2018, Thursday


Chair: Károly Fazekas (IEHAS)
9:55  – 10 Opening
10  – 11 Attila Lindner (UC London): Reallocation and the Minimum Wage – Evidence From Germany
Discussant: Anikó Bíró (IEHAS)
11:15  – 12:15 Domonkos Vámossy (Pittsburgh) and S. Albanesi: Predicting Consumer Default: A Deep Learning Approach
Discussant: Milán Badics (Corvinus)
Chair: István Kónya (IEHAS)
14:30  – 15:30 Dániel Prinz (Harvard), M. Geruso and T. J. Layton: Screening in contract design: Evidence from the ACA health insurance exchanges
Discussant: Gábor Virág (Toronto)
15:45  – 16:45 Péter Bayer (Maastricht), J-J. Herings, R. Peeters and F. Thuijsman: Myopic and Farsighted Players in the Local Public Goods Game
Discussant: László Kóczy (IEHAS)
17  – 18 Tamás Kiss (Gothenburg): Inference under time-varying expected returns
Discussant: Gábor Kőrösi (IEHAS)


10 August 2018, Friday


Chair: Gábor Kőrösi (IEHAS)
9:30  – 10:30 Sándor Sóvágó (Groningen) – H. Oosterbeek – B. v.d. Klaauw: Identifying the sources of school segregation
Discussant:Hermann Zoltán (IEHAS)
10:45  – 11:45 Róbert Somogyi (Louvain) – A. Gautier: Prioritization vs zero-rating: Discrimination on the internet
Discussant: Norbert Maier (Copenhagen Economics)
12  – 13 Norbert Maier (Copenhagen Economics): Closeness of substitution for big data in merger control
Discussant: Gergely Csorba (IEHAS)

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