
Richard H. Thaler John von Neumann Award Lecture 2017

Start: 09/12/2017 18:00
End: 09/12/2017 20:00
Location: Nagyterem, MTA Székház, Széchenyi István tér 9. 1051 Budapest


The Assembly of Rajk László College has elected Richard H. Thaler as the 2017 recipient of the John von Neumann Award. We cordially invite you to the John von Neumann Award Ceremony and the open lecture held by the awardee on the September 12th, 6pm. The title of the lecture will be “Past, Present and Future of Behavioral Economics”. The lecture will be held in English.

Due to the limited number of seats, prior registration is required at the Eventbrite page of the event:

About Richard H. Thaler

Richard Thaler is an American economist and the Ralph and Dorothy Keller Distinguished Service Professor of Behavioral Science and Economics at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Professor Thaler has received his doctorate degree from University of Rochester. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the American Economic Association where he served as president in the year 2015. Professor Thaler’s main research areas include behavioral economics and behavioral finance, focusing on the underlying psychological reasons of decision making.
Cass R. Sunstein and Richard Thaler are co-authors of Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness, an internationally renowned book which explains everyday problems through concepts of behavioral economics. Besides his six published books, Professor Thaler is the author of the Anomalies columns originally published between 1987 and 1990 in the Journal of Economic Perspectives, which focus on economic behavior that seemingly contradicts traditional economic theory.

About the John von Neumann Award

The John von Neumann Award, named after John von Neumann is given annually by Rajk László College for Advanced Studies to an outstanding scholar in economics and other social sciences, whose works have had substantial influence over a long period of time on the studies and intellectual activity of the students of the college. Richard Thaler’s research has introduced a different perspective into economics, a perspective which explained a number of anomalies that interest Members of the College.
The lecture will cover Professor Thaler’s recent research as well as the past, present and future state and role of behavioral economics.

The lecture is organized by Rajk László College for Advanced Studies with the contribution of Institute of Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences ( MTA KTI).
We would like to express our gratitude to sponsors of the John von Neumann Award: Oriens IM, Posta Biztosító and Central Médiacsoport.

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