
The impact of international migration on the Hungarian labour market / The Hungarian Labour Market Yearbook 2016

Start: 03/13/2017 12:00
End: 03/13/2017 16:00
Location: WIIW, Bécs



Joint workshop of the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies /WIIW/ and CERS HAS.

WIIW and CERS-HAS decided to discuss some issues of the In Focus chapter of the Hungarian Labour Market Yearbook recently published by the Institute of Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The yearbook series presents the main trends of the Hungarian labour market using statistical information, conceptual research and empirical analysis in a structured and easily accessible format. Each year, the Editorial Board of the Yearbook chooses a special topic to be investigated from various perspectives. For 2016 the chosen topic was the impact of the in and out migration on the Hungarian labour market. While this issue is of outmost importance for Hungary it invites questions from an Austrian perspective as well. In the second part of the workshop the audience can get acquainted with the CERS-HAS Data bank. We plan to discuss also the possibilities  for cooperation between Hungarian and Austria-based researchers.


12:30 pm  Buffet lunch

1:30 pm  Welcome speech: Michael Landesman WIIW

Introductory remarks: Károly Fazekas CERS-HAS


1) "An LFS-based pilot study to measure outmigration from Hungary - what it tells us about migration from Hungary to Austria" (Zsuzsa Blaskó, EC, Joint Research Centre)

2) Employment-related emigration of Hungarians: changes and explanatory factors to the main destination countries since EU accession. In which sense is Austria a special case? (Ágnes Hárs, KOPINT-TÁRKI)

3) Out and return migration of Hungarian medical doctors before and after EU accession and before and after lifting the Austrian and German restrictions on the free movement of labour from EU-8 (Julia Varga, CERS-HAS)

4) On the intention of Hungarians to migrate to Austria (Endre Sik, TÁRKI)

Q/A session

3:30 pm  Pause

3:50  CERS-HASS DataBank: A call for cooperation (János Köllő, CERS-HAS)

The research center’s data bank collects the most important repeated cross-section surveys conducted in Hungary such as the Labor Force Survey from 1992 Q1; the Wage Survey, a large linked employer-employee (LEED) data from 1986; the Household Panel Survey from 1989; the Time Budget Survey from 1999; the municipality-level Tstar database from 1990 and several occasional surveys. The data are ready to use for academic research i.e. cleaned, harmonised and have been transformed into panels, wherever it was possible. In addition, the DataBank has built several big data sets using administrative sources. Availability varies depending on the primary data owners’ decisions.

Admin 1-2-3 are large LEED panels, which follow 50% of the Hungarian population in 2002-2009, 2003-2011 and 2003-2016, respectively. (Admin 3 is under construction). The data cover employment, earnings, transfers, state of health and financial variables of the employers. The Admin data sets are available for researchers inside and outside Hungary.

GEO is a large census tract (CT) based data set, which provides detailed information on the 45,500 CTs of Hungary and a matrix of availability with public transport and car, in terms of distance, time and direct costs, as of 2011. Linking GEO to the full Census of 2011 in the CSO-Academy data room opens a unique opportunity for spatial analysis.

The DataBank manages the CSO-Academy data room where full population and firm registers are available for analysis. The data sets can be linked with each other. Researchers are free to work with the data as they wish but the results are subject to output checking. The room is open for the participants (Hungarian or foreign) of projects led by researchers of the Academy.

A research laboratory with 40 end-points will be opened in July 2017 to support experiments in behavioral economics and related fields. The lab is open for outside researchers.

The presentation will yield a detailed account of the data, data availability and scope for cooperation with Austrian partners.

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