
Multinationals, local firms and innovation in post-transition and transition economies

Start: 12/14/2015 09:00
End: 12/14/2015 16:00
Location: Budapest XI., Budaörsi út 45. VIII/807. (conference room)



Research seminar „Multinationals, local firms and innovation in post-transition and transition economies”


Organisers: The EADI Working Group on Transnational Corporations and Development together with the FDI-group of the Centre for Economic and Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences


Date: 14th of December, 2015.                                      Venue: Budapest, Budaörsi út 45., Room 804-7


Preliminary program


9.00-9.10 Welcome (László Halpern, director, MTA KRTK KTI)


9.10-10.40 Session 1 Chair: Miklós Szanyi (MTA KRTK, Hungary)


Chiara Lodi (University of Ferrara, Italy): Innovation and exporting: a study on Eastern European firms


Károly Attila Soós (MTA KRTK, Budapest): Geographical and Sectorial Concentration in Czech, Hungarian and Slovak exports


Arevik Mkrtchyan (University of Hannover, Germany): The effects of the customs union on Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan


10.40-11.00 Coffe break


11.00-13.00 Session 2 Chair: Jan Drahokoupil, ETUI, Belgium


Márta Bisztray (MTA KRTK, Hungary): The effect of large foreign plant closures on nearby firms


Alireza Naghavi (University of Bologna, Italy):  Multinational Production and the Scope of Innovation


Dr. T.J. Joseph (Central University of Kerala, India): Does foreign ownership matter in the technological capability of firms? Evidence from Indian manufacturing industry


Eric Rugraff, Magdolna Sass (University of Strasbourg, France; MTA KRTK, Hungary): Type of relations linking foreign-owned firms and indigenous suppliers: the Hungarian pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry


13.00-14.00 Lunch


14.00-14.20 Jan Drahokoupil (ETUI, Belgium): Foreign investment in eastern and southern Europe after 2008. Still a lever of growth? – a short introduction to the book published by ETUI, Brussels


14.20-15.50 Session 3 Chair: Eric Rugraff, University of Strasbourg, France


Andrea Szalavetz (MTA KRTK, Hungary): Crisis-driven reorganisation of firms' value chains – Upgrading opportunities for peripheral subsidiaries?


Miklós Szanyi (MTA KRTK, Hungary): The FDI-led development model revisited?


Tim Gittins (University of Utrecht, the Netherlands): The effects of previous international experience of entrepreneurs upon SME internationalisation in the CEE region


15.50-16.00 Closing of the seminar. Further steps


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