
Networks, Complexity, and Economic Development - workshop

Start: 11/30/2015 09:00
End: 12/01/2015 18:00
Location: MTA Széchenyi István tér 9, 1051, Budapest, Hungary


"Networks, Complexity, and Economic Development"

November 30 - December 1 2015, Budapest

The Economics of Networks Research Unit at Centre for Economic and
Regional Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences is pleased to announce
the workshop on "Networks, Complexity, and Economic Development".
Networks are one of the central challenges of today?s science and the
analysis of large-scale social networks integrates scholars from a wide
variety of sciences in understanding complex social and economic
phenomena. The workshop aims to establish a platform for
interdisciplinary discussions focusing on economic development.


Invited talks

Cesar A. Hidalgo, MIT

"Why Information Grows: The Evolution of Order, from Atoms to Economies"

"The shapes of the city: new computational methods to understand urban
perception, gentrification, and economic agglomerations at the
neighborhood scale" (with Edward Glaeser)

Ádám Szeidl, CEU and CEPR

"Interfirm Relationships and Business Performance" (with Jing Cai)

Balázs Vedres, CEU

"Fragility in European economic integration: Lessons from the network of
inter-industries flow data"


We invite PhD students, and early career researchers from economics,
sociology, geography, computational social science, and network science
to present a paper and discuss future research. Interested fellows from
other fields might submit an abstract as well. Papers that address the
following topics are particularly (but not exclusively) welcome:

Economics of social networks; Dynamics of large scale economic networks;
Innovation and spreading; Human mobility and networks; Networks of
international trade; Proximity and economic development; Social networks
and performance

The workshop is open to the public; however, due to place limitations,
registration is required.

The workshop language is English, participation is free of charge. An
abstract of 400-600 words should be sent to László Lőrincz
( <>).
Please, indicate in your submission if you are interested to present
your work in a poster session as well.

Important dates

Abstract submission: October 19, 2015

Notification of acceptance: October 26, 2015

Registration: November 16, 2013

Workshop: November 30 - December 1, 2015


The event will be held in two buildings of the Hungarian Academy of
Sciences. Both locations are in the center of Budapest.

Main building: Széchenyi István tér 9, 1051, Budapest, Hungary

Department of Research Institutes: Nádor utca 7, 1051, Budapest, Hungary

Further information

Please, visit the workshop website for information about the programme,
venue, participants, and organizers.

Professional queries should be addressed to László Lőrincz

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