
2nd “Networks, Complexity, and Economic Development” workshop

06/08/2017 - 06/09/2017

2nd Networks, Complexity & Economic Development Workshop

Authors, presenting author



Thursday, 08 June 2017


Sándor Juhász, Balázs Lengyel

University of Szeged

Tie creation versus tie persistence in cluster knowledge networks

Alessia Lo Turco, Daniela Maggioni

Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Firms' Local Discoveries and technological relatedness: the role of foreign knowledge

Zoltán Elekes, Ron Boschma,  Balázs Lengyel

University of Szeged

Foreign firms as agents of structural change in a dependent market economy

coffee break


Balázs Lengyel, Mariann Leskó

University of Amsterdam

International Collaboration and Spatial Dynamics of US Patenting in Central and Eastern Europe

Milad Abbasiharofteh, Lars Mewes, Tom Brökel

Academy for Spatial Research and Planning, Hanover

The Drivers of Change in Interregional Knowledge Networks

Zsófia Vida

Dept. of Science Policy and Scientometrics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest

Authors’ social and cognitive similarity on research collaboration networks

coffee break

12.00 - 12.45

Johannes Wachs, Aniko Hannak, Andras Voros, Balint Daroczy

Center for Network Science, Central European University, Budapest

Why Do Men Get More Attention? Exploring Factors Behind Success in an Online Design Community

Eszter Bokányi, Zoltán Lábszki, Gábor Vattay

Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

Prediction of employment and unemployment rates from Twitter daily rhythms in the US

lunch break

14:00 - 15.15

Frank Neffke

Harvard Kennedy School

Coworker Complementarities

coffee break


Roberta Sinatra

Center for Network Science, Central European University, Budapest

Quantifying the evolution of individual scientific impact

19.00-  Social event

Friday, 09 June 2017


Yuliya Skoblova, Vladimir Matveenko, Aleksey Korolev

Higher School of Economics, Saint-Petersburg

Nash equilibrium with knowledge externality in students’ collaboration network

Vladimir Matveenko, Alexei Korolev, Maxim Bakhtin

Higher School of Economics, Saint-Petersburg

Game Equilibria in networks with Jacobian Externalities

András Simonovits, Balázs Király

Inst. of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest

Saving and taxation in a voluntary pension system: Toward an agent-based model

coffee break

11.00 - 12.15

Michael Szell

Central European University and Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Assessing the potential of urban ride-sharing economies

lunch break

13.30 - 15.00

Frank Neffke

Harvard Kennedy School

Mobility and the Diffusion of Capabilities

coffee break


János Köllő,  László Balázsi, István Boza

Inst. of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest

Direct and indirect wage returns to foreign firm experience – Evidence from linked employer-employee data.

László Lőrincz, Zsolt Csáfordi,  Károly Miklós  Kiss, Balázs  Lengyel

Inst. of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest

Inter-firm labor mobility networks: The effect of network characteristics on intra-industry productivity differences

Virág Ilyés

Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

The Effect of Past Co-workers on Labour Market Outcomes –  Evidence from Hungary


Venue: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Human Sciences Research Building, 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán utca 4

Helyszín: Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Humán Tudományok Kutatóháza - Tóth Kálmán utca 4, Budapest, H-1097

Economics with policy - international seminar



Jordi Brandts /Instituto de Analisis Economico (CSIC) and Barcelona GSE/
Market Interaction and Efficient Cooperation

Helyszín: Budapest XI., Budaörsi út 45. VIII/807. (conference room)

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