
The One Belt – One Road Initiative seen from China


The Institute of International Studies of the Corvinus University of Budapest and the Institute of World Economics, Center for Economic and Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the delegation of the Sichuan University cordially invites you to their joint event: 

The One Belt – One Road Initiative seen from China

Click HERE to download the program of the event.

Helyszín: Corvinus University of Budapest, Building ’C’, 5th floor, Conference Room 510.

1st EIBA Workshop


The main goal of the EIBA Workshops (EIBA-W) is to promote the EIBA, particularly in countries and regions where members are under- or not represented. Of specific note and importance are the Eastern European countries and regions. The underlying aim of the EIBA-W is to offer the opportunity to IB scholars located in these countries/regions to gather and form geographical communities within the greater EIBA family.

The main theme of the workshop will be

MNEs in the CEE region – factors of competitiveness

There are several meaningful concepts and notions for competitiveness internationally. Probably one common element is that there are factors, which support firms internationally in a location. MNEs can be considered as a group of those firms. There are factors, which support internationalization in home and host locations. There are MNEs which are headquartered and/or strategically managed, and which are hosted in the countries of the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region. Their international strategies, operations and behaviors are studied at both macro (national) and micro (firm) levels.

The 1st EIBA-W is intended to facilitate paper development, and networking of scholars in this broadly defined field. It calls for papers, which are near for journal publication. Both International Business (IB) and International Economics (IE) approaches are welcome. 

Date and venue: October 12 (Wednesday), 2016, Corvinus University of Budapest (CUB), Budapest, Hungary. 

Organizers. Next to EIBA Chair two Hungarian research communities joined to organize the event. They have a long history of collaboration and cooperation in Hungary. In alphabetical order one of them is CUB Competitiveness Research Centre (CRC, will be represented by its co-director, Erzsébet Czakó), and the other is FDI Research Group of the Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (FDI RG, will be represented by its leader, Magdolna Sass). CRC has got several years of experience in doing research on competitiveness, and FDI RG has got that in doing research in IE and IB.

European International Business Academy (EIBA)

Corvinus University of Budapest, Business School, Competitiveness Research Centre, Budapest, Hungary

·         FDI Research Group of the Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary

Hosts of the 1st EIBA-W

Philippe Gugler, President, EIBA Board

Zita Zoltay-Paprika, Dean of Business School, Corvinus University of Budapest

Attila Chikán, Director, Competitiveness Research Centre, Corvinus University of Budapest

Károly Fazekas, Director, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

 Program chairs

Erzsébet Czakó, Corvinus University of Budapest, Business School, Competitiveness Research Centre

Magdolna Sass, FDI Research Group of the Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary

EIBA scholars will bring their personal scientific expertise. Their expected scientific expertise and contributions are many-folded. (i) To have their views on the submitted papers (reject/accept); (ii) To provide comments on the accepted papers (during the papers’ sessions) to support the paper development (a discussant will be assigned for each paper); (iii) To have their ideas and insights on the main theme of the EIBA-W; (iv) To have their contributions to comply with the quality standards of EIBA.

Topics and tracks. In the one day event no parallel sessions are planned.10+ accepted papers are forecasted. It follows that there is a limited time for other types of activities than “paper session”. Max. 20 minute time slot will be devoted to the paper presentations and quick feedback.

EIBA scholars, who participate in this unique event, hopefully bring in their expertise and contributions in at least two regards.

On one hand their feedback in the review process and in paper sessions would be welcome. On the other hand their ideas and insights would be welcome as either a panel or a round table discussion. Besides the paper sessions there will be plenary sessions with their active participation.

Publication: A special effort will be provided to assist participants with accepted papers to publish their papers in journals related to the Workshop’s theme (i.e. International Business Review, Competitiveness Review, International Journal of Emerging Markets, and Transnational Corporations).

Papers and paper submission. Papers not longer than 30 thousand characters are welcome in the topic of the main theme. Papers should be close to journal publication in the fields of IB or related fields. Each submitted paper goes through a blind review process. One reviewer will bea senior research fellow in the field. The authors of submitted papers are also requested to contribute to the event with reviewing other submitted paper(s). Papers should be sent to the email address: .

Registration and participation. There is no registration fee, but registration is required via the workshop website. Authors of submitted papers are requested to participate. One author of each accepted paper should participate throughout the event. Participants with no papers are also welcome to the workshop but their registration is also required.

Dates and deadlines

Conference website opens: July 15, 2016

 Submission system opens: July 15, 2016

 Paper submission deadline: August 22, 2016

 Accepted/rejected decisions and feedback to applicants: September 8, 2016

 Final program announcement: September 15, 2016

 Registration: September 19, 2016

Preliminary program

8.30 – 9.00


9.00 – 10.20

Opening panel / round table

10.20 – 10.35

Coffee break

10.35 – 11.55

Paper session 1

11.55 – 12.10

Coffee break

12.10 – 13.30

Paper session 2

13.30 – 14.15

Lunch break

14.15 – 15.35

Panel / Round table

15.35 – 15.50

Coffee break

15.50 – 17.10

Paper session 3

17.10 – 17.25

Coffee break

17.25 – 18.45

Paper session 4

19.00 -



·     Coffee/tee, water and slight snacks in coffee breaks and light lunch are offered to the registered participants.

·         A buffet dinner is offered to the accepted papers’ presenters, panelists and speakers.

Assistance in finding reasonably priced accommodation for non-Hungarian participants with accepted papers and/or members of panels or round discussion is offered.

Helyszín: Corvinus University of Budapest (CUB), Budapest, Hungary 1093, Fővám tér 8.

Economics with policy - International seminar


27 Okt 2016 - 10:00 am
Bogdan J. Góralczyk
(Director of the Centre for Europe, University of Warsaw)
Europe in China's New Strategy

China under current leadership of ever-stronger, charismatic leadership of President Xi Jinping has abrogated former formula and strategy of low profile, dictated by the visionary of reform, Deng Xiaoping, and known as "Constitution of 28 Chinese characters", usually identified with famous motto: taoguang yanghui (conceal your capabilities and avoid the limelight). Instead, under the current Fifth Generation of Leadership of the Chinese Communist Party we have much more assertive and active political course and imaginative strategy of the Middle Kingdom, as the People's Republic of China is more and more frequently returning to the rich tradition and civilization of China, starting from ancient times.


The lecture to be presented is focused on following issues:

 · "Chinese Dream" and "Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation" - i.e. internal strategy of Fifth Generation, including the concept of peaceful reunification with Taiwan

 · One Belt, One Road Initiative (OBOR) - Chinese geostrategic project, coincidental with Heartland of John Mackinder and Rimland of  Nicholas Spykman

 · South China Sea - the crucial point of implementation of Maritime Silk Road

 · Europe as final destination of OBOR (Łódź town in Poland as important hub on Land Silk Road, Pireus port as similar maritime hub on the Mediterranean)

 · 16 +1 Framework of Co-operation with East - Central Europe (ECE) as supplementary strategy towards OBOR

 · EU response towards the New Chinese Geopolitical Projects

 · ECE approach towards OBOR and Chinese new initiatives    

 · China and the EU in the new global order 

Helyszín: Budapest XI., Budaörsi út 45. VIII/807. (conference room)

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