
KTI seminar


Lengyel Balázs:

Inequality is rising where social network segregation interacts with urban topology

Gergő Tóth, Johannes Wachs, Riccardo Di Clemente, Ákos Jakobi, Bence Ságvári, János Kertész
and Balázs Lengyel


Helyszín: MTA HTK 1097 Budapest Tóth Kálmán u. 4. fszt. K011-12-es előadóterem

Transition in Agriculture – Agricultural Economics in Transition XVI.

11/14/2019 - 11/15/2019




Thursday, 14 November, 2019


9:00     Imre Fertő (CERS IE/KU): Introduction




9:10     J. Stephen Clark (Dalhousie University) and Lukas Cechura (Czech University of Life Sciences): Heteroskedasticity in Crop Yields with small N large T panels: An Application to Grains Yields for Crop Districts in the Province of Saskatchewan


9:50     Lukas Cechura (Czech University of Life Sciences) and J. Stephen Clark (Dalhousie University): Crop Area Response as a Spatial Econometric Problem with an Application to Cropping Districts in  Saskatchewan


10:30   10: 50 Coffee break




10:50   Lajos Baráth (CERS IE) and Raushan Bokusheva (Zurich University of Applied Sciences): Modelling state-contingent technology: the case of production and price uncertainty


11:30   Heinrich Hockmann (IAMO): The dynamics of efficiency analysis


12:10   13:10 Lunch break


Food Chain Governance


13:10   Gaetano Martino (Università degli Studi di Perugia): Governing milk quality through meso-institutions: A comparative analysis


13:50   Gábor G. Szabó (CERS IE): Co-operation in the agri-food economy: trends, models - challenges, barriers


14:30   14:50 Coffee break


Rural Development


14:50   Katarzyna Zawalińska (Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development - Polish Academy of Sciences): Impact of generational renewal measures of CAP on Polish economy and rural areas


15:30   Zoltán Bakucs (CERS IE/CUB): Regional Development Convergence in Central-East Europe - A spatial perspective at NUTS3 level


18:30   Conference dinner at the Dreher Brewery


Friday, 15 November, 2019


9:00     Chris High (University of Lund): A research agenda for the implementation of the sustainable development goals in rural Europe


9:40     Dan-Marius Voicilas (Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romanian Academy): Organic farming evolution and EU quality schemes


10:20   Coffee break


Local Food


10:40   Zsófia Benedek (CERS IE) and Imre Fertő (CERS IE/KU): The multiplier effect of local food: a systematic review


11:20   Gusztáv Nemes (CERS IE/CUB): Eat the view! - local food in a rural tourism destination


12:00   13:00   Lunch break


Farm sector analysis


13:00: Štefan Bojnec (University of Primorska) and Imre Fertő (CERS IE/KU): Drivers of farm growth in Slovenia


13:40   Vitalij Krupin (Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development - Polish Academy of Sciences): Resilience of horticulture farming in Poland: SURE-Farm H2020 approach and collected evidence


14:20 Coffee break


Farm sector analysis


14:40   Anca Izvoranu (Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romanian Academy): Impact of taxation on farmers in Romania


15:20 Enikő Vígh, Krisztina Miskó, A Németh and József Fogarasi (Research Institute of Agricultural Economics): Willingness to participate in results-oriented agri-environmental measures. An ecosystem service analysis

16:00   Imre Fertő (CERS IE/KE): Conference closure

Helyszín: Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (CERS IE-HAS), 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4. Ground Floor room K 11-12

KTI seminar – Vítézslav Titl


Vítézslav Titl
Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Leuven  

The Cost of Favouritism in Public Procurement


We study the effects of favoritism in public procurement. Exploiting detailed data on firm representatives’ political affiliations in the Czech Republic, we show that favoritism
to politically connected firms increases the final price of procurement contracts while no gains in terms of quality are generated. To quantify the total distortion, we formalize a
model of the public procurement market where politically connected firms are favored by procurers. The calculation based on the model suggests that procurement contracts
allocated to favored firms are overpriced by at least 5%. Given the size of the market and the share of contracts delivered by politically connected firms, this induces a welfare
loss of .08% of Czech GDP. This can be considered a lower bound of the true welfare for several reasons laid out in the paper. Finally, we discuss and document channels of
such favouritism, and present suggestive evidence that politicians tailor technical specification of projects to fit the comparative advantage of specific firms.

Helyszín: Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Research House, 1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4. Ground Floor room K 11-12.

5th The Role of State in Varieties of Capitalism (SVOC)

11/28/2019 - 11/29/2019

On behalf of the Organising Committee, the Institute of World Economics of the Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Center for European Neighborhood Studies, Central European University we invite you to join us in Budapest, for the 5th International Conference entitled The Role of State in Varieties of Capitalism.


The main aim of the 5th "The Role of State in Varieties of Capitalism" conference is to contribute to the better understanding of the co-evolution of formal and informal institutions in relation to development. 

Our Conference welcomes high quality contributions proposing advances in the field of theory, empirics or policy. Contributions to SVOC2019 should be related to the general theme of the conference "The Role of State in Varieties of Capitalism" especially but not exclusively focusing on the following topics:

  • new renaissance of the Polanyian research on the state-market relationship;
  • institutional changes in the Global North and South in the age of hybridity;
  • new forms of statism and its impact on global governance;
  • BRICS and alternative global institutions;
  • revival of industrial policy in the early twenty-first century;
  • business-politics relationship in the light of rising illiberalism ;
  • the role of informal institutions in emerging and developing economies.


Our keynote speakers will be:


Professor Ziya Önis (Koç University Istanbul, Professor of International Political Economy) 

Professor László Csaba (Professor of International Political Economy at Central European University and Corvinus University of Budapest)

Helyszín: Central European University - Nádor u. 9, Budapest, H-1051, Hungary

Call for Papers - The Role of State in Varieties of Capitalism - 29-30 November 2021

Call for Papers - The Role of State in Varieties of Capitalism - 29-30 November 2021Deadline for abstract submission: 30 July, 2021; abstracts (max. 300 words) are expected via easychair system.

Halpern 70 conference - 17 June 2021

Halpern 70 conference - 17 June 2021Held in a hybrid form: offline venue: Institute of Economics - Centre for Economic and Regional Studies /1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4./ and online (zoom). Please register here: until 10th of June.

Call for Papers - 12th Annual Financial Market Liquidity Conference - Budapest, Hungary 11-12th November 2021

Call for Papers - 12th Annual Financial Market Liquidity Conference - Budapest, Hungary 11-12th November 2021The Department of Finance, Corvinus University of Budapest and the Game Theory Research Group, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies are organizing the Annual Financial Market Liquidity Conference for the twelfth time. This year, Corvinus University of Budapest hosts the conference both onsite as well as on a virtual conferencing platform allowing for a hybrid and flexible format.

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