Call for Papers - The Role of State in Varieties of Capitalism - 29-30 November 2021
07/05/2021 | 14:47
Deadline for abstract submission: 30 July, 2021; abstracts (max. 300 words) are expected via easychair system.
On behalf of Magdolna Sass from the Institute of World Economics (Centre for Economic and Regional Studies) and László Bruszt from the Democracy Institute (Central European University), we kindly invite you to submit your papers for the
7th‘The Role of State in Varieties of Capitalism’ conference.
The theme this year is
‘The changing repertoire of state intervention to promote development
in an unfolding new world order’.
The SVOC conference will be organized in a hybrid form (depending on the pandemic situation) with both onsite and online sessions. Central European University in Budapest will host the event with a program encompassing two full days of exciting keynote lectures and panel discussions.
The conference will be co-financed by the research project FK 124573 supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDIO) of Hungary.
Though the following list of topics is by no means exhaustive, we encourage prospective participants to submit their empirical or theory-oriented papers in one of the following categories:
- Enhancing the theoretical framework of Varieties of Capitalism (VoC) research
- The (comparative) analysis of contemporary variants of state capitalism
- Developmental states in the twenty-first century
- Democratisation/re-democratisation and the developmental state;
- Is there any convergence to be seen across successful development strategies in the emerging world, or "varietas delectat"?
- Post-crisis, alternative trajectories and models of sustainable human development
- New perspectives of post-crisis development: focusing on the social component
- Consequences of the crisis for changes in the level of democracy/democratisation processes
- Environmental considerations in varieties of capitalism
- The monetary-fiscal link in state-led intervention
Our Conference welcomes high quality contributions proposing advances in the field of theory, empirics or policy. Contributions to SVOC2021 should be related to the general theme of the conference "The Role of State in Varieties of Capitalism" especially but not exclusively focusing on the topics mentioned above.
Important Dates
Deadline for abstract submission: 30 July 2021
Notification of acceptance: 15 August 2021
Payment of Conference Fees: 15 October 2021
Full paper submission (optional): 30 October 2021
For more details please open official call for papers attached.
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